Donald Trump Death Watch
Some days are better than none
Dear phone users. I have a phone too. This site sucks on my phone. It rearranges carefully placed images and you can’t see your options. Go home and get on a bigger screen.
This Week
We Won An Oscar!
Last Week
Dorothy saw Donald Trump for the first time
Two Weeks Ago
Our little Edna had a birthday
The last lost poet spoke with Abraham Noguise on Talk Tonic
Every Week
Fuck you, Donald Trump
She could have been more persuasive
Apologies in advance
AND the winner is… Fennel Vulvantis! Thank youThank you I like to believe that I know quality and I sense an audience now – Thank you – You know yourselves take a bow – That is equal in endowment and cabbage… Thank you. Thank you for…
La di da Screw you Ed. People have lives. You type at a white screen that doesn’t respect you all day just to entertain ungrateful readers who can’t be bothered a simple ‘I read this’ in the comment box. And what the hell is a banger…
14 Lines My super model is stumbling nervousLy about the runway trying to softShoe a sonnet ala Edna St. VinCent Millay stiffly over sore anklesBut not willing to offer her neckYet. How many steps does she have left toProfess (then dismiss) her love? (as EdnaWould do)…
(transcript) Good morning and welcome to Talk Tonic on BMSI am Abraham Noguise, today, the last lost poet speaks about the tragic end of poets. The last of what one might almost call a species is here to talk with us today. We are not going…
Ed, it’s 100% SEO. I’ve done the work on this. You’ve heard of Emily Dickinson Of course you have. We all know her name. The bastards then didn’t but every single goddamn one of us does. She went from nobody to the tip of everyone’s exam.…
(transcript) Good morning and welcome to talk tonic on BMSI am Abraham Noguise, today, with the casual first wink critic, who it’s been said that classifying carelesses soundalike pigeons play along. Have you heard the rushling in the hope? This is their song the purveyors of…
A sad day. Fuck you, Donald Trump. That’s enough for now. I’ll be returning to this. I’m sorry to say.
Don’t do it, Bloog! It’s too late. 20 years too late. What did you call it, a blog? No one blogs anymore. If you had kept at it 15 years ago maybe you could have been a youtube star by now. I know but… You’re just…
This is the year I kick off this careful-adjectival project. It’s written by IA. I a the only one wrinnen it… uh rin… rin… wrinnen it in to a wrinten thing! That sentence is like a human lip print. Now you know I’m not lying. The…
it’s not like you need me to fill you in. you are vast and empty but have been filled in plenty then erased like everything. you and i would rather not think about that. you because you do not think and me because i find it…
I’m all excited. Ouch. I’m gnawing on my finger. The pressure’s on. So much to live up to. All of those long ago sentences seen by tens that are supposed to exist somewhere on the internet live so untouchable in my head. They were great! I…