A Blog Too Far by Bogus Algernon

A Blog Too Far

I propose that you are not as smart as you think you are. As daring as that proposal may seem, it’s actually not so daring. In fact, it’s downright pedestrian, because everybody overvalues their intelligence and thinks they know more than they actually do. Call it a human fallacy. On the other hand, I know how ignorant I can be, which is why I’m a perfect candidate to write this blog.

So why is ignorance a perfect pretext to tap out these words to the interverse? Because it’s based on the folly of the ego thinking that this is actually how connections are made. I know the few of you who are reading these words are thinking, “Man, this guy has issues, but at least he’s typing this blog. I can respect that.” And it’s true that I’m worthy of something like respect because I think I can fill up pages with electronic characters that can make you feel like you’re pretty smart and not quite so dysfunctional as you may be. I’m making the ignorant seem less ignorant. And if you feel like something is true, then it is. I think Newt Gingrich said that.

Oh shit, I wasn’t going to get into politics here, and that’s another mark against me, therefore a plus for you. See, I’m doing a great service in the blogosphere to make you feel important and valued.

Is Bogus my real name, you ask?

Clearly it is not, but I would have thought Newt wasn’t either, so I’m hardly an authority on how to name a kid with a last name like Gingrich. As for me, I’m quite fond of nominal nom-de-plume nomenclatures. I’m not completely sure what that means, but my first name alias is Bogus, so that should set your expectations accordingly.

Anyhow, all this is to say, that I guess I’m a blogger now, and you better appreciate that I haven’t tried to say anything of substance yet, because you know that I know that I don’t have any actual substance to speak of. This is the interwebs after all.

Bloog is 10 times the blogger than me, because he’s written at least 10 posts, and this is only my first. I will never catch up, but I plan to make up for it in qualantity. Meaning, I will say my stuff is better and be the master of my own shameless self-promotion.

Blah blah blah, this paragraph is left intentionally blank.

So kick back, put on your readers, and consume a flat beer that’s been sitting in the cupholder of your Ford F150 since Jethro’s party last Friday. We’re about to get started… or maybe about to finish.

Yes, that’s it.

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