Current events with a literary bent
I intend to cover things that interest, anger, or excite me. Hopefully the Other Voices section will include more interesting people than me *update* it already does. If you are interested in posting here let me know.
Any sarcasm detected in the tone of my posts should be disregarded. It is all a front. I am a squeeky little mouse with an oversized keyboard. Speaking of keyboards, this site is not really optimized for your handheld device. Maybe some day. Go home and get on your computer after you pick up the kids.
This about page is very primitive. It reflects the site. Both will evolve I say. Google needs to know if I’m trustworthy.
This about page is being updated periodically – read it in any order
This is my most popular page. Get out of here. Read about our recent Oscar.
Come back often and watch an About Page grow. Watch a pretend genius at work as he bluggs his way into a proper Form. Before only my very own eyes I shall create a block in H1 heading. The only H1 heading because we don’t want to confuse the search engines and it must include the words Bloog Mandrake.
Bloog Mandrake
I don’t think the font matters. I’ve been using one called Georgia. And now I am going to use an H2 heading. It is not as important but should still not be used more than twice. It will also include the words Bloog Mandrake and what Bloog Mandrake can do for you but I’m going to save that for the second H2 heading.
The Big Bloog Mandrake Blopening is Happening Now
I can use as many H3 headings and below as I want but my usual habit is to want none.
What Bloog Mandrake can do for you:

That accomplishes my H1 heading and two H2 heading blocks. Now I need a head block and for that we need a head. It would be much too easy to put up a picture of a block head because at Bloog Mandrake what we won’t do for you is try to entertain with the same ha ha meme crap that so pollutes the internet. I thought maybe go internet old school with something like Max Headroom but I can’t figure out precisely what kind of message I would be sending. It’s okay if the message is ambiguous but does a too-recent nostalgia fail leaving only an oh my GAWD that’s so…
And I canna lowry. Naturally I’m supposed to put up an actual picture of my head because people like to look at who is talking to them and it helps to create a more trustworthy environment. In this spirit I have decided to include more than a head shot – Why I’m going with a full torso and head shadow.
Come back for more exciting developments on the evolving About Page.