I’m all excited. Ouch. I’m gnawing on my finger. The pressure’s on. So much to live up to. All of those long ago sentences seen by tens that are supposed to exist somewhere on the internet live so untouchable in my head. They were great! I wish I could remember them.

The pretend legend of Write This (exists somewhere) from the very real Pretend Genius Publishers (appears to be in a bit of disrepair) was where they appeared. They say there are bits and pieces scattered about. And now I sit here with two blogs. The other one. I might have lipped off more than I can gum. Believe me. I was a genius and wore paper sokcs. All that’s left are the sokcs pressed into a book placed into a valise and dropped into a box that was kicked into an unheated storage unit. That’s a whole lotta verbs a poor adverb and a shitty adjective. I’m off to a bad start.
I promise to quit if I ever do something like that again
What am I going to do with two blogs? Maybe I’ll use AI. I’m not proud. Here’s some thoughts on that. Of course, I needn’t worry. This is nearly guaranteed to be seen by nones. I hope some of those nones become ones and include you. You will be fitfully rewarded. I don’t know how you landed here but accept your reward.
One of you will be the first to see this. Sorry no prize. The millionth viewer might as well get their bank account ready to handle that one if I’m still alive, which I doubt. So good luck with that. Follow my stats and plan ahead.
I’m being sure to follow the SEO recommendations by Yoast, who could use some recommendations of their own because I’ve seldom seen a worse color scheme for a website and I’ve been alive long enough to’ve seen em all, but before I click Publish on this post I’m hoping the report will be full of green smily faces because of all the buts and ands I’ve included.
After I tried to configure that other blog on my site’s better-half‘s theme requirements, running into template obstructions after gargantuan psychological ones, I abandoned that and now only have one blog so a whole lot of history happened in just one paragraph. That’s the sort of thing that should go over well with my targeted demographic. The sort that doesn’t look back and runs in reverse.

Subheading for Yoast SEO
They’re looking out for me. If I buy their premium they will answer the question, is my “vocabulary suited for a larger audience?” under the category of “Word complexity” and, I, by god, want to know. Let’s not even get into my subheading distributions or the fact that 12.8% of these sentences contain passive voice which is more than the recommended maximum of 10% but they are more than capable of suggesting their active counterparts if… you know… I want to get engaged. The last time I got engaged it cost me a lot more than this (present active voice).
This is an important word to me. It must be told the first words of my son were this or maybe that as I held him in my arms and he would point to an object so I would name it. I’m not sure which came first this or that because it was an amalgam sound slowly emerging into distinction.
Soon after I started a thing called Write This not conscious of this particular connection until typing this. How odd. The site was purposely confrontational and required you to be able to take a punch while learning how to slip punches.
Also. None of you care.
Are we pretending Championship with this here post? Yep. It’s easy when you’re lying on the canvas unconscious.
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