every morning i wake up and check the internet to see if dumbald trump is dead. the thought that he might be makes me want to smoke again. it’s the only thing that will keep me going until he’s finally gone. if i don’t see any news about dumbald being dead, i look to see if any of the other repugnant people who are part of his klan are dead.
i’ve decided that wishing these people dead isn’t as horrible as these people themselves so my conscience is clear. they can’t wish anything for me because they don’t know me. i’m a nobody. so as far as wishes go, i have the upper hand which, small as it is, is still bigger than both of that filthy rap/cist’s tiny, little hands.
the people who voted for this asshole need to pull themselves up by their own broot snapes and stop blaming the two immigrants who live in their shitty state for all their trubles. speaking of trubles. how about the pooptin? piss tapes don’t mean anything to the king of piss. or his lizard-brained, ignoramus voters.
gay marriage turned everyone gay. everyone in amerikkka is high because marijuana was legalized. obamacare made people who voted for trump live longer. having to learn the complexities of critical race theory got in the way of our pre-schooler’s nap time. and now that one trans kid in your state is…living. go. fuck. yourselves.
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